Sunday, June 28, 2009


Just as I get used to life here in DC, start to feel like our apartment is home, start to get used to having such a crazy schedule at work, use the metro like a pro, feel comfortable walking past the homeless man (who screams stuff like "I like yer dress!" and "You've got pretty hair!", but still makes me jump) to get groceries, memorize the grocery store, know relatively where the streets and metro run, and how to get places without glancing at a map all the time.....

I buy a one-way ticket back to Utah.

I'm excited to see my fam-damily, friends, even acquaintances, eat at Cafe Rio and Bangkok Grill, drive, shop at Harmon's, have a doctor, finish school, and work somewhere I can sit down, but there seem to be a lot of cons.

I'm going to miss JJ a LOT. I'm going to miss laughing with him, cuddling and watching the Food Network, meeting up for dinner, even talking about work and bills--but I'm also going to miss how much he does to help me with every day life.

Marika Singer might be the most spoiled wife in the world. Not only does JJ have a great, stable job, which makes it so that I don't have to worry about how much I'm contributing to the bank account, he also is the perfect house-husband. I can't honestly say that I've done a load of laundry, from start to finish, since we got married--and even before that. Sure, I've put wash in, and folded on occassion, but he usually does the larger part of the laundry. He also does the larger part of loading the dishwasher, and I just have to put the clean 'uns away. He'll run me a bath if he knows I'll be home soon, and gets me a glass of water every night when we're headed to bed. He lets me just do the chores that I like--Grocery shopping, bill paying, and cooking a little more than half of the time. He's the BEST!, and I haven't even mentioned how he's always making me smile with little anecdotes and jokes, hugging me right at the right moment, and encouraging me to accomplish more and more.

Okay, now that I'm getting all emotional...

I'm flying in on July 22nd, then I'll be helping my sister move that weekend. JJ will be out in UT for Katie and Andrew Moravec's reception on Aug 15th and my birthday on Aug 17th, then he'll probably be back for his friend Walker's wedding on Aug 29th. I'll be in DC September sometime and October for UEA. He'll be in UT for Thanksgiving, I'll be in DC/PA with him for the Holidays.

The next 8-ish months are going to be hard, but I know that in the end, I'll be happy that I'm graduated and then we can start our "real lives".

I'm just going to miss him :'(

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Apartment

As promised, here are the pics of our apartment:

We have a few common areas in the building, including the "games" room:

We bought a new TV when we moved here (one of the many fabulous deals we got). JJ's been pretty happy with it. Note that it's tuned to our favorite channel:

We also bought a new couch just days before the move. We got it at the RC Willey outlet, and would recommend that place to just about anyone!

It's so different living here! Here's the bathroom:

And our walk-through closet (between the bathroom and the bedroom).

Our bedroom is pretty plain, and I think it's going to stay that way for a while. We're not really sure about where we'll be living next, so I don't wanna personalize anything until we know how it'll be.

We also have a nice patio here. JJ keeps his bike on it lately (there are AWESOME bike trails around, I guess.... do I LOOK like I bike?), but this pic was taken before. Also, notice the large somewhat-2001: A Space Odyssey-esque roofy thing (just above the trees). That's the Metro station.

And now for the living/dining/kitchen area:

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed it.

On an almost unrelated note, I'm truly enjoying iPhone's new software.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Meaty Man

This story was just so funny I had to tell it.

Today JJ and I decided to go to Costco and stock up on some meat. We grabbed some backpacks and off to the Metro we went! For those of you who have never lived in a big city without a car, you'd know a trip to Costco as something pretty different. We get on the Metro, go 3 stops, get on the next train, go 2 stops, get off the Metro, walk 2 blocks, then we're finally there.

So we go shopping, and, since we were there for some meat, we headed right to the back of the place. We go to the meat coolers, and I leave JJ to look for some steaks. When I look back, I see that he's struck up a conversation with a man that was very well-dressed and neatly trimmed. Hmmm....

Apparently, the conversation went a little bit like this:

"Excuse me, is this a good price on this meat?" says the stranger.
"Yeah, it looks like a pretty good deal to me." responds my husband.
"I just usually shop at a butcher's in Dupont Circle"
*Note that Dupont Circle is where most of the gay bars are located*
"Oh, yeah, well Costco generally has really high quality meat at a good price... for example, this is a USDA-Certified Prime New York, at a price that you could pay for Choice somewhere else."
Then I walk up just when the stranger says.....
"Well, I'll get them then... You look like a guy who really knows his meat!"

.......Gay guys love us.

And yes, JJ really does know his meat. As in steaks. What a dirty mind you have.