Sunday, July 12, 2009

Things That Scare the Poop Outta Me

Homeless people

Suffering when I die

JJ secretly hating me

Those big garbage cans... which is actually a fear of homeless people that live in them

But MOSTLY....


Sandi said...

Dang! I was going to get that as a "welcome back to Utah" present for you. Guess i"ll have to think of something else:)

Rachel said...

I KNOW!! It's like a Mormon girls dream hair piece.


Tab said...

Ewwwww! I thought the poof was a phenomenon of Utah, but I'm in Texas, and I have seen those dumb things here, too. It's contagious. Although, Texas is known for some crazy big hair.

Laura Smith said...

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those advertised on TV!! That has to be the UGLIEST hair style EVER! Who wants to look like they are and alien or cone head?? I swear the madness never ends!!!

Anonymous said...